The Gift of a Flawed Father

Spirituality, Health, and Healing
Event Description

Sunday, June 25, 2023
10:00 AM
What does it mean to identify as a Southern white person in today’s world? Especially if your family history goes way back, racism is not just prevalent, it is part of the song we have sung for centuries. Explore the spiritual and emotional journey of making reparations for slavery in an old Southern family and what it takes for us all to ‘sing a New song of the South’.
To follow up on our service yesterday about reparations for African American enslavement and other racial injustice, the links that I mentioned are here. The Coming to the Table Reparations Guide (good places to start) and the UUA 2022 Statement of Immediate Witness. Also Dwana sent me this CBS report (40 Acres and a Mule) that looks interesting.
And, herewith, John Pruit's lyrics to "Sweet Home in the Southland"
My home is in the Southland
That’s where love and sweet tea flow
We celebrate our friends and family
We pick up anybody fallen low
From the bayou to the mountains
From the beach to Atlanta sky
Our diffrences don’t define us
And our song gonna tell you why
Sweet home in the Southland
We won’t break if we learn to bend
She’s a land of many peoples
She has love that’ll never end
I know this song sounds like I’m dreaming. Boo hoo hoo
I know you know we can’t forget
And I want y’all to remember
Southern love gonna save us yet
Sweet home in the Southland
We won’t break if we learn to bend
She’s a land of many peoples
She has love that’ll never end
Sweeter home in the Southland
Blended colors without end
All our tribes joined together
We won’t break if we learn to bend