Freedom, Obedience and Submission

Betsy DeVos’ Yacht
September 30, 2023
The home of Shelley and Ashok Nagrani
6pm - 10pm
Ashok and Shelley Nagrani's home address can be found in Breeze.
Shelley will provide a dinner dish. Please bring a dinner side, drink, or snack to share.
People usually end up playing 2 or 3 games and staying for 3-4 hours. It's okay to come late or leave early -- some people have as much fun watching games as playing.
What kind of games? Well, we've never played a Hasbro or Parker Brothers game, so not Monopoly or Candyland. They're newer games that are less about pure luck and don't eliminate players (actually or effectively).
There are the usual competitive games, but we also have cooperative games, where the players are working together against the game (Pandemic or Forbidden Island, for example). Games can be all about what you do on the board or how well you can bluff your opponents, like in The Resistance or Sheriff of Nottingham. There are many different game types and themes. Some games take 15 minutes, some can take 2 or 3 hours (or more, but we don't play those games quite as much).