Message from Lexie T. Brown, Director of Religious Exploration.

Message from Lexie T. Brown, Director of Religious Exploration.


Welcome to UUMAN, where connection is at the heart of our religious community.

We believe that our members and friends are the lifeblood of our community, and we strive to nourish and support each other in every way possible.

We understand that true connection requires effort and commitment, which is why we offer a variety of avenues for our members to connect with one another.

At UUMAN, we understand that true connection is what makes our community thrive, and we invite you to join us in this journey.


Ministry for Children and Youth


Our mission is to be together in ways that affirm our UU Principles. The different programs and activities that we create in our shared ministry give us many choices for growing and exploring with each other.

Our goal is to build a ministry that focuses on connecting deeply with others. We will help each other learn and grow and celebrate each person’s unique personality and gifts. We will take care of one another and our whole community.


Religious Exploration (RE) Teams meet in groups on Sunday mornings where they share experiences designed to build community while offering support for their relationships and faith development.

We use age appropriate curricula and materials that have been thoughtfully developed by both established Unitarian Universalist Religious Educators and other independent authors.

We are guided by our understanding of the stages of the faith development of children and youth. It is our intention to develop and offer opportunities that support our ministry through age appropriate Religious Exploration (RE) and Youth Programming, that transform concepts around our Unitarian Universalist Principles into lived experience.

For more information on Religious Education click here and contact us


Our Whole Lives (OWL) is comprehensive sexuality education that adheres to our UU principles. It teaches values, like responsibility and respect, as well as biology. 

For more information on OWL click here and contact us

Parents Connect

We would love to welcome you and your children into our beloved community. A community that is dedicated to safely and responsibly nurturing your children from birth to adulthood.

Our goal is to educate them so they may grow into ethical, responsible, and open-minded individuals who will then strive to make the world a more peaceful and brighter place for all.

Please fill out the form below to sign up for the 2024-2025 UUMAN Religious Exploration program.