Our Holiday Traditions

Año Viejos
Event Description

December 28, 2023
7:00 PM
Kwanzaa is a Swahili word that means "first" and signifies the first fruits of the harvest. The Festival begins on December 26th and lasts for seven days. Kwanzaa is a celebration of community, family, and culture, established to help African Americans reconnect with their African roots and heritage.
Kwanzaa is based on seven principles (Nguzo Saba):
- Umoja (unity)
- Kujichagulia (self-determination)
- Ujima (collective work and responsibility)
- Ujamaa (cooperative economics)
- Nia (purpose)
- Kuumba (creativity)
- Imani (faith)
Joining us this year is Djoli Kelen (Jo-lee Keh-leh), an intergenerational Metro Atlanta-based nonprofit organization focused on documenting, preserving, and highlighting the transformative power of African and African Diaspora dance, music, and culture. In the Bamana language, djoli kelen means One Blood. The organization embodies this notion of one blood in every sense of the word. The Co-Founders joined their creative talents to create this cultural and social arts collective that openly and lovingly shares through African dance, music, history, culture, and the arts.
Djoli Kelen’s manifold mission is to:
- Preserve, honor, and educate on the legacy of those cultural icons who have shaped African cultural and performing arts in the United States.
- Advance African cultural and performing arts and those of African diaspora dance, music, and culture as a means of healing, economic development, and community-building community, and to cultivate and mobilize the next generation of African cultural and performing arts leaders.
- Produce technical and creative dancers, performers, educators, and quality programs with an emphasis on transformation and leadership that incorporates common core standards.
- Work to build a better community by strengthening and improving relationships and becoming agents of social change through the engagement of those who share and support our mission, purpose, and organizational perspectives.
Please join us! Bring the kids and the Elders to learn more and celebrate this beautiful tradition and people. All are welcome! The evening will include a short overview of the history of Kwanzaa, its symbols, and the practices that the holiday fosters. There will be light Hors’ devours and nonalcoholic drinks for your enjoyment and several activities to engage the kids from tots to teens.
Link to purchase tickets: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLT8SM24JMBD1/checkout/GDCLSWOGSY24BK5Z3QOWTEPI
Adults: $5
Children 10 & Under: FREE