Our Music Program supports and nurtures a dynamic and transformative music ministry with the uplifting, healing, joyful, and transcendent power of music to unify and inspire our community.


MUUsicShare is UUMAN’s monthly 4th Sunday 2nd hour just-for-fun jam for all ages and abilities. Come to play, sing, and/or just listen to your favorite songs.

Chalice Choir

The UUMAN Chalice Choir plays an integral part of our Music Ministry whose repertoire spans many genres.

We provide music on most Sundays mornings August through May. Our rehearsals are Wednesday evenings 7:00 pm -8:30 pm. We also have a 9:00 am brush up when singing Sunday mornings.

Ours is a safe, supportive space to find your voice, build confidence and become part of something bigger than yourself.  There is definitely something unique and even magical in adding your voice, singing and making music with others.  

Both prior musical knowledge and the ability to read music are not required. Join us in our community of fun, merriment and music making. All are welcome.