President - Martin Poteralski
My wife Erin and I were married in a UU church, and were members of a UU church in suburban Richmond, Virginia for several years while our two children were young. In 2017, when we moved to Georgia, we also found a new spiritual home at UUMAN.
Since joining UUMAN, I have been involved with a few different committees including the annual Auction committee and Stewardship. Our children have been growing and learning through programs such as RE and OWL.
We especially value the connections we have made at UUMAN, and our impact on the community in which we live. I hope to build upon the great work others have done before as a member of the Board.

Vice President – David Kroeber
After years of driving past the building and wondering what UU was all about, I finally visited UUMAN for 2021’s Hembree Park service - the first in-person gathering since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. I immediately felt I had found a vibrant, diverse, and welcoming community where I could continue my faith journey after 30 years of teaching and leading in Baptist churches - and several years deconstructing unhelpful beliefs and doctrines! Over the next several months, I connected virtually with the UUMAN community through the Centering Prayer, All Souls United, and Spiritual Wisdom Studies groups, then became a member in March 2022 when we resumed meeting in the Sanctuary.
Since joining UUMAN, I have served as a Worship Associate and am currently the Worship Committee chair, as well as sitting on the Sabbatical Committee. I’ve delivered lay-led sermons and facilitated Adult Enrichment programs, including the launch of Sunday Service Reflections and a new Faith After Doubt group - both of which have helped connect visitors and new members to our UUMAN community through small-group discussion. As a member of the Program Council, I’ve contributed to both tactical and strategic planning discussions.
I moved north to Cumming from Roswell after my divorce, in order to assist with my elderly mother’s care. I have a dog, five adult children, and one (awesome) granddaughter. I enjoy movies, live music, and outdoor recreation - particularly with the UUMAN community - and I work remotely for a technology company as an account manager.

Past President - Mike Chambers
I stumbled upon UUMAN in 2013, attending a guitar seminar by someone who had rented Fellowship Hall. I Googled the church later, and was a little amazed to learn there was a church like UUMAN near me. I became a member in 2014. I met my wife Donna in UU101 class, and got to know her from volunteering in the Coffee House kitchen. Ours was the first wedding performed by Reverend Dave Dunn. I’ve taught RE and OWL at UUMAN, and served as ushering coordinator, Family Promise chair, Chili Cookoff team member, Stewardship Chair, and on the RE Committee and MCY Council. I consider UUMAN my community and a source of truth and compassion in a sometimes cold world. I look forward to serving on the Board with a great team.

Treasurer – Seth Pratt
Seth Pratt grew up in Maine but moved to Berkeley, CA to attend college in 1970. He moved to the Atlanta area in 1992 to work on an accounting software package he developed and sold to a local company. Seth followed his wife Lynn to New Orleans in 2013 and returned to Alpharetta in 2020. Since joining UUMAN, he has been an active member of the Finance Committee and the Audio team.
Seth was raised in a mainstream Protestant Church but disengaged as a teenager. In 1975, he became an active member of an Evangelical Church for about 20 years, back when that meant something entirely different than it does now. Seth met Lynn in 2002 and through her discovered Unitarian Universalism. Seth has had a variety of jobs, including being a trolley car mechanic, CPA, computer programmer, entrepreneur, and massage therapist. He is currently retired. Seth has two children, a son in Pennsylvania and a daughter in Texas, as well as assorted grandsons. Seth enjoys sailing, swing dancing, accounting, walking, and bicycling.

Secretary - Laurie Wheeler
Like many people, my husband Mark and I began attending UUMAN when our children were young and we were looking for a spiritual home for our family. When I discovered Unitarian Universalism, I felt at home immediately, and jumped right in to the life of the congregation. Our two children grew up at UUMAN, attending RE and OWL classes, and are now young adults.
I have served in many roles at UUMAN, including chairing and participating in a variety of committees, serving on the board, teaching RE, singing in the choir, and directing the family choir.
Ours is a faith community that calls us to live our principles, and I am thankful to have found my spiritual home at UUMAN, where I am challenged, supported, and surrounded by this beloved community as I strive to grow and to live my faith.

Trustee for Special Projects - Margriet van de Steeg
We became members of UUMAN in 2009 after moving from Canada. We are still very happy we found UUMAN to be able to connect with a liberal faith community. We loved seeing our four kids (Duco, Maud, Lara, and Troy) go through the UUMAN Religious Education and OWL programs. The UUMAN community and the programs have supported us in raising our kids to be (more) confident in who they are and what they stand for.
I have served on the Personnel Committee and Nomination Committee and look forward to being actively involved in the UUMAN Community and serving on the Board. Since leaving the corporate world in 2019, where I worked as CFO and HR Manager, I went “back to school,” graduated with an MSc in Financial Planning from UGA last August, and became an Accredited Financial Counselor. I am providing Financial Coaching and Counseling through my new company, Financial Clarity, and through non-profits.
If you are wondering where my accent comes from, I was born and raised in the Netherlands. With being Dutch comes directness, conscientiousness, and (some) stubbornness.