by Rev. Dave Dunn
UUMAN’s Possible Move to the Great White North
Well….here we are again – another tight presidential election that has everyone worried for the future of our democracy and our country. It was four short years ago when we faced this crisis; and at that time I wrote a comic-relief newsletter
article to help ease the tension.
Since it seems to be Déjà vu all over again, I’ll roll out that newsletter article from November 2020.
Here it is:
You may have heard the rumor floating around that if the upcoming election goes a certain way, the congregation will be moving lock, stock and barrel north of the border into the great white north of Canada. I’ve been asked to condemn that rumor and I’m here to tell you, “I don’t know anything about it…I know Canada is an amazing place…just amazing…they’ve got a lotta good people up there…lotta good people…and its very cold…very cold…and wonderfully.”
Yes, the rumor is that if the election goes a certain way the Board will be forming a search committee to scope out the best possible relocation site for UUMAN. Apparently the front runners are Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and Minnedosa, Manitoba…but you didn’t hear it from me (…bring a coat).
Yes…it may be a long journey but fear not, we won’t be wandering up there for 40 years. IT’S COLD UP THERE!!! WE’LL NEED SHELTER RIGHT AWAY!!! And by the way, we will be taking our beloved Sanctuary with us. Our Operations Team will be disassembling the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and the Chicken Coop piece by piece; painstakingly marking each item and populating it in one of Bob Popp’s spreadsheets. This will enable us to easily reassemble our beloved church north of the border. (Discovery Hall will not be making the trip. A bonfire is being planned.)
A name change may also be in order. Apparently, the word “Canadian” will be placed in front of our name thus changing it to CUUMAN. Now instead of endlessly telling people that it’s pronounced UUMAN, “like ‘human’ but without the ‘h’“, we’ll now be endlessly telling people that it’s pronounced CUUMAN, “like the spice but without the aftertaste.”
And don’t worry about rental income…The Premo School said they’re coming too.
Yes…it will be like a new start for UUMAN, or should I say CUUMAN…the only downside being that you’ll still have your old minister!
Nurture our spirit. Strive for Justice. Transform the world.