The Prophetic Imperative

Common Grounds Coffeehouse

Saturdays, 10AM - 4PM: 8/19, 8/26, 9/2, 9/9, 9/16, 9/23
Where: Meet at UUMAN to carpool to Park Avenue Baptist Church in Atlanta (Grant Park)
10AM - 4PM
In June, the UU General Assembly passed an Action of Immediate Witness (AIW) stating, “THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT as Unitarian Universalists we recognize the momentum of collective action to demand social change and we call upon the UUA and its member congregations to Stop Cop City.”
The Atlanta City Council has already approved this project YET if 70,000 signatures can be collected by the end of September, a referendum can be put on the ballot in November so that the people can decide.
Rev. Dave will be carpooling from UUMAN to the canvass center on the dates above.
Sign Up in Breeze at the link below or on the UUMAN Calendar