by Rev. Dave Dunn
Faith in a Fortune Cookie?
As you may know, I recently did a service entitled “Faith in a Fortune Cookie.” The service description said, “Can a life lesson be gleaned from a fortune cookie? Can a sermon be written from one? On the spot? Rev Dave will try. Why do this? What’s the point?”
Just before the sermon, the Worship Associate read a fortune from a cookie picked randomly from a bowl. I then did a sermon based on that fortune.
Returning to the service description: Why do this? What’s the point?
One of the most common criticisms I hear about Unitarian Universalists, rightly or wrongly, fairly or unfairly; is that they never do anything, never take any action unless that action is planned out ad nauseum, until there are no uncertainties, until every contingency is accounted for and thus no possible way the action could fail; and, the criticism continues, that this act of endless planning usually results in paralysis and inaction.
Again, I believe this is a somewhat unfair criticism as I see many UUs (and many UUMAN members) spontaneously acting in public square. Yet, this criticism is not entirely untrue either. We’ve all likely experienced analysis paralysis; or we’ve backed away from an initiative that we didn’t feel we could “win.”
The “Faith in a Fortune Cookie” sermon wasn’t a stunt; the point of the sermon wasn’t about the content of the sermon itself or what I came up with.
The point was to show risk-taking; that we can experience uncertainty, vulnerability and fear with the possible threat of failure – and that we can survive whatever happens and move forward whatever happens. (Btw…I’m not against planning. Planning is acting responsibly; yet planning that seems to always lead to paralysis should be understood for what it is – inaction.)
The Executive Branch of our government is currently pushing the envelope in ways that are unconstitutional and illegal; and contrary to every value that we hold dear. It seems as if their opposition has yet to come up with a plan to push
back against this.
Well, the time has come for us to improvise a little; to take some risks; to try things that haven’t been done, to push where we haven’t pushed, pull where we haven’t pulled.
Could we fail? Absolutely….but I believe a difference is made even in failure; and that building upon where we’ve failed, others may ultimately succeed.
Nurture our spirit. Strive for Justice. Transform the world.