Do We Hear the Cries of Lamentation?

Common Grounds Coffeehouse
Event Description

Every Sunday
11:15 AM
Leaving the faith system that you grew up in is difficult - and often traumatic and/or life-altering. How do you navigate deconstruction and find a "new normal" in your spiritual life? Each week we'll have an anchor topic (taken from the list below), with plenty of time allocated for group discussion.
Potential Discussion Topics:
- Resources for deconstruction and developing new faith practices
- Addressing problematic doctrines in Christianity (i.e. the Resurrection, Inerrancy of the Bible, Heaven/Hell, Who was Jesus?, Gender / sexuality, etc...)
- Being wounded by your faith community
- "Code Switching" - dealing with triggering words or concepts from your past faith
- Managing relationships with the people you 'left behind'
- Mindfulness / Meditation practices - deeper dive
- Other religions - Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Hinduism, Wicca / Paganism, etc...
and more...
For more information email Adult Enrichment.